Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The First Week:

The first week was interesting.  I didn't really have a issue with the food I was eating or even any serious food cravings.  I ate plenty of protein and vegetables in various combinations and enjoyed it.  I had some fruit - perfect nectarines, some strawberries and shared a couple of apples with Charlie.  They were from NZ which blows the eat local goal, but I really wanted one!  Sweet potatoes have been a life saver.  I'm snacking on a lot of nuts, carrots and baby tomatoes.  I think I'm eating too much between meals.

By Day 7, I'm hoping to have turned a corner - I'm definitely sleeping better, although my sleeping habits still need some work (i.e. go to bed earlier and stop looking at electronic devices!) but that's gratifying to start to feel like sleep is restorative and if  I have woken up at night (generally because Charlie or an animal comes into my room), I fall back to sleep very easily.  I've been having herbal sleep teas at night and I think they help. 

I'm not feeling any weight loss yet though, and still tired over the weekend.  A very lazy Sunday with Charlie and I was still having headaches.  I was extremely irritated to find sugar as an ingredient in a can of tomatoes I'd just poured into a casserole I was making.  I gave that to the guys and reheated some leftovers - but I was mad.  Have to read labels FIRST!!!

So my goals for this week:
  1. Stay on track (travelling two days at end of week)
  2. Watch portion size
  3. Eat a few less nuts
  4. Go to bed without laptop/phone
  5. Try not to snack (it affect leptin!)
 Things I want to keep an eye on are my chapped lips, my neck rash and tummy growlings.

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