Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day One

Today is Day 1 on my Whole 30 journey. At the start of the year, I started following a paleo/primal style of eating. I felt pretty good, my skin was clear and I was sleeping better. I was however still eating a LOT of dark chocolate and drinking quite a bit of red wine! I started to fall off the program in May during a trip to Chicago with cup cakes and corn chips (I don't discrimate between sweet and salty!).
I haven't really got back to basics since then and the Whole 30 is my attempt to do that - to put a little reset button in my life - particularly after a really fun summer. The socializing has taken it's toll. Added to that I've been travelling and enjoying the benefits of good restaurants and good bread. And wine! Always the wine : )
So what do I hope to achieve:
  1. Better sleep
  2. Lose some weight
  3. Get rid of the weird rash on my neck (or at least figure out if it's diet related - it might be caused by kitty)
  4. Have this uncomfortable tummy pain go away for good 
  5. Figure out (at the end) if there are actually foods that make me feel like crap or I'm sensitive too
Today is probably going to be tough.  I'm tired, a little stressed and missing my coffee already.  I'll probably snack more than recommended and drink tea all day - but I figure I'm easing in.  Will be very strict with the dietary components though!

This was breakfast - kale, three eggs and some homemade Guacamole. 

then a quick snack when I realized I had a lunchtime meeting:

And actual lunch around 2pm:

Dinner was more chicken and vegies, snacks were some grapes, almonds and the rest of the salmon.  I ate a lot yesterday afternoon.   I was tired and couldn't focus, but slept really well.  Onto Day 2!!!

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